
Virtual audio obs
Virtual audio obs

It’s just my kind of humour as my first Linux PC had a SoundBlaster16 😛 It also is a pattern sufficient enough so I don’t mix this up with the zoo of real microphones or audio sinks attached to my computer. # RUN `pavucontrol` => Select Tab Record => Set BekoMic-16 input to "Monitor of BekoBlaster-16" Pactl load-module module-remap-source master="BekoBlaster.monitor" node.nick="BekoMic" device.icon_name="audio-input-microphone" source_name="BekoMic-16" source_properties=scription="BekoMic-16" # setup virtual MIC so intended monitoring device can be recorded from as MIC Pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name="BekoBlaster" device.icon_name="audio-card-analog" node.nick="BekoBlaster" scription="BekoBlaster-16" sink_properties=scription="BekoBlaster-16" # setup virtual device intended for monitoring The steps are the same for PulseAudio if you don’t have PipeWire (yet).

virtual audio obs

Video conferences get this as “default device” so they don’t get a chance to mess up my audio setup (looking at you Teams). So achieve all this I utilise PipeWire to run a bunch of virtual devices that I can control via pavucontrol and obs later. I also want to be able to disable the microphone with a hotkey but it doesn’t have any physical switch. I want more control over what my microphone picks up on screen share in video conferences or during streaming but I don’t want to buy a hardware mixer.

Virtual audio obs